Four truths about the art of flirting that nobody told you

They behave very differently to them, but when it comes to dating, there are common notes. Read these four things and then tell us if you think the same as us. If only I had read before!

1. Why and for what we flirt? A 2004 study at the University of Nothern Illinois has identified the six motivations that people have to flirt:

1. Sexual: Trying to have sex with someone.

2. Lúdica: They practice flirting as a fun.

3. Experiment: Try to figure out how it would have a relationship with the object of desire (but do not intend to go further).

4. Relationship: Trying to increase intimacy in a relationship.

5. Ego: Succeeding raises their self-esteem.

6. Utilitarian: Trying to get something else.

According to the study, men are more frequent sexual motivation, while flirting women often have more to do with the desire to shore up a relationship.

2. Paired also need to flirt. The art of flirting is usually unmarried partner. But couples also need to keep some flirtation between them to avoid dying of boredom. After studying 164 people married to a study at the University of Kentucky in 2012 he observed that couples who remained active flirting also had a stronger and deeper intimacy. Often, she says the study, married people flirt to create a private world with your partner.

3. To link some conversations work better than others, says science. A study by the University of Alaska is dedicated to verify the effectiveness of three phrases such purposes flirting

– Harassment and demolition: “You must be a spy because I have seen that you do not remove an eye on me.”

– Innocent, with simple questions like “What do you think of this music group?”, “Are you the Madrid or Barcelona?”.

– Direct: “You are so beautiful” (o) “Can I buy you a drink?”.

According to the study, men prefer the direct style, while women are entering with innocent questions. Very few recognized practice techniques ‘Harassment and Demolition’ in their strategies for flirting.

4. Men overestimate sexual interest them, and women often do not find out they are hitting on them. If you had ever wondered why it is so difficult for boys and girls understand, perhaps the answer is here. Multiple studies confirm that among heterosexual people there is a lack of understanding because men tend to think that women are more interested in them than you really are, while they tend to believe the opposite and never believe a boy is flirting. This misperception of both parties has been proven in over 2,000 studies were analyzed by experts at the University of Texas. The explanation given by experts is that men have been educated to perceive more sex signals in their environments than women.

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